Contains: 0,25L
This drink reminds me of Energy Slammers for several reasons, that's why I place this can next to the Slammers one in my collection...
At the first point we spot some Slammers similarities already.
This can is also mainly silver, it also includes a red band at the top, but it's way thicker than the Slammers one and there's none at the bottom.
The writing is also placed vertically; strangely, it reads ENERGY DRINK ENERGY.
The ENERGY DRINK I can understand, but why did they throw in an extra ENERGY below it?
I don't know and don't really care, so let's move on.
ENERGY DRINK is written in red; a shade of red that differs slightly from the band on top.
Above DRINK there's a black fast forward logo, which is pointing at the Euro Shopper logo on top of it.
At last there's the unnecesary ENERGY writing; it's written in grey, so I assume it's a failed attempt on a watermark.
So, overall the can isn't that great, but only collectors really care about that, right?
None, let's move on.
The taste is the second thing that reminds me of the Energy Slammers.
It's also a Red Bull clone, and it's also sweeter than usual.
However, it is slightly different to certain extent; the drink is more carbonated and it does have that sirup-ish flavor on it.
In fact, I think that this drink even outclasses the flavor of the Energy Slammers a bit, while they both share the same price!
The kick is what you could expect of such a cheap energy drink, close to none and it didn't last that long (though there's still caffeine in it).
But only few people I know really care about the kick that energy drinks provide.
They just care about the price and the taste, which are both okay on this drink.
But, as an energy drink collector and -reviewer, I can't give this energy drink a high rating for kick.
Price/Quality Ratio:
This energy drink is cheap and the can emphasises that.
The drink, however, is pretty good for thirty cents.
I'll recommend this one as a low-budget or quick drink.