I referred to Soria Natural Fast Liquid Energy as the first energy shot I've ever had, but I'll call this the first REAL energy shot I've had.
The shot comes in a 50 ml bottle, it might not seem that much, but it's enough to give a real buzz.
The bottle is all black, and the graphics are kept simple, but still they're effective and easily recognised as a Burn product.
On the front there's (obviously) the Burn logo, and the back of the bottle displays the nutrition facts and ingredients per unit.
Before I got the shot I heard that it's recommended to take just 1 of this shot a day, and maybe 2 if the drinker will sport intensively.
When I got the shot and tried it I found out why...
On the other cans and bottles in my collection there's always the same message: High caffeine content, but most of the time it's not really to be noticed in the drink itself. The caffeine content of those drinks is relative low to this shot.
In this drink, however, the caffeine is highly noticable, mainly because the amount of caffeine is way higher than in the standard energy drink.
The drink tastes almost like pure caffeine, with a touch of strawberry flavor (the strawberry flavor is in all of the Burn energy drinks, see Burn and Burn Intense Energy).
Because of the relative extremely high content of most ingredients*, it's not surprising that the drinker will get an extreme amount of energy.
This effect, however, doesn't last that long, I think this energy shot is ment to be drunk by sportsmen who need much energy for a short time, sprinters in particular.
I think this energy shot is great, both in taste and buzz, and the bottle doesn't look bad either.
But there's on thing that stops me from taking it often: the price.
€1.99 has to be paid for this drink at the local gas station, and I think that is way to expensive for such a small bottle.**
*comparing the Burn energy shot (50ml) with the regular Burn energy drink(250ml), per unit:
ingredient: .......shot: .......regular drink:
caffeine ...........80mg ......80mg
B3-vitamins .......9mg .......14,5mg
B5-vitamins .......3mg .......4,75mg
B6-vitamins .......1mg........2mg
B12-vitamins ......0,05mg....0,1mg
taurine............. 200mg ....0,4% = 100ml (= 100mg?)
glucoronolactone ..70mg .....0,24% = 60ml (= 60mg?)
** Caffeinpower: I'll buy some for camps when I stay awake till the late hours (or maybe better said: till the early hours), or sometimes stay awake the whole night. Another possibility when I buy this shot is for when I have to sprint at school, or get somewhere in a very short amount of time by bike. But I'm not going to buy it for longer efforts, like a judo training of 1 till 1,5 hours, . I'm not going to buy it as an everyday drink too, because it's too expensive and too small to enjoy over a longer amount of time.