Price: €2,49
Contains: 70 grams
I got this energy gel from a German webshop, which means it is very likely that this is an 'one-time' energygel.
The gel is produced in Switzerland.
The shape of this gel is the way I always imagined it. A toothpaste-like look with a pop-off top.
The shape of this gel is the way I always imagined it. A toothpaste-like look with a pop-off top.
The design makes sense. Blue, gray and white are the main colours, with some yellow, white and yellow text. The biker on the right side makes sense as well; energy-boosting products are actually meant to enhance performance in events that require energy, such as biking.
On the package itself I can't find a slogan, but on there site I can. It's 'faster, longer, better'. It's a pretty selfish, isn't it? You could say it's selfish, but you could also say it's the truth, and we'll find out which of those two it is.
The gel isn't as sticky as the other gels tested so far, and that's a good thing I think. The flavor of this gel is totally different from the others. The most common flavor is lemon/citrus fruits, but this one is -against my expectations- caramel-flavored, with just a little lemon touch. Karamel-lemon has been know as a good combination for a while, and this gel proves it again. But it's is a little overdone in sweetness. Sweet is good, but when you can feel your teeth rotting away while having something, it's obsiously too sweet.
To rate the kick, I consumed this gel as it tells me on the package. Halve the gel (35 grams) and one glass of water. My first question was how big the glass should be, because I got glasses from 50ml up to 500ml. This was a big point to me, because too less or too much water influences the effect of the gel.
I choose a 330ML glass, which was about perfect. I did the kick rating twice, once a day for two days, because I had to consume only half the gel.
Both kick-ratings resulted in the same thing. A great kick, better than the other gels. Way better actually. The kick lasted long, for like 2 hours at school (I did one test at 7:30, one hour before my lessons started, which makes the total kick about 3 hours)
Price/Quality Ratio:
Price/Quality Ratio:
It's an expensive gel, but a good tasting one with an awesome kick. It's worth the €2,50 if you're in serious need of an energyboost. But for everyday consumption it's just too expensive.