Contains: 0,5L
This is the Energy Cola version of Rockstar.
You might think that it's pretty much the same thing as Red Bull Simply Cola, but it isn't.
This drink actually contains energy drink (hence the name: Energy Cola).
This drink comes in a 0,5L can, like all other Rockstars (well, at least like the ones we know).
The can has the colours red, silver and black.
The body of the can is mainly red, and has a cool Aluminum Diamond Tread Plating pattern on it.
Rockstars big star logo has changed to silver instead of gold this time, so it fits in better with the can.
Cool can, I'll give it four stars.
I've heard that the true slogan is 'Party like a rockstar'.
Too bad I can't find it anywhere on my can.
All I can find is: 'Rockstar Energy Drink is designed for those who lead active and exhausting lifestyles' and 'Double Size, Double Kick', but I will not count those as a slogan.
I assume that 'Party like a rockstar' really is the true slogan, and I quite like it.
But since it's not to be found on the can, it'll only get three stars.
After I poured it into a glass I saw the drink had the classic cola colour.
The smell was pretty much the same as regular cola as well.
It tasted (as expected) like cola, but even sweeter and more carbonated.
This drink was brilliant, appearantly Rockstar are more into cola than Red Bull.
I'll give four stars for taste.
Since this isn't a pure energydrink I didn't really expect a buzz.
Well, actually I git a bit of a buzz of this one, but obviously not the buzz I got from a regular Rockstar.
The kick gets three stars.
Price/Quality Ratio:
Like all Rockstar products here, this drink costed me €1,39.
I really liked the drink, so I guess it's worth it.
Too bad I can't get this drink that much.
I have to to another town when I want it and the price isn't something I'm willing to pay for a drink everyday.
Three stars for P/Q.
Packaging: ★★★★
Slogan: ★★★
Taste: ★★★★
Kick: ★★★
Price/Quality Ratio: ★★★
Avarage: ★★★