
Burn Day

Price: €1,75
Contains: 485 mL

In my last review I told you that one of my friends went to Canada, and another one went to Paris.
Well, fresh from la belle France, we present you one of our latest additions: Burn Day!

We were already familiar with Burn's skills for designing cans for their beverages.
Basically, this is just the resealable Burn can we showed you last time with inversed colors.
Well, you might call that a bit of a cheap move, but the result is actually very attractive.
The white and light blue combination is easy on the eye and makes this can have a very 'icey' impression.
This can is also fairly unique among the Burn cans.
They usually have the black and red combination and that's what I got used to, so from a great distance, this drink isn't that recognisable for me.
However; it surely stands out in my collection (in what I'd like to call the 'Burn Section').

None, why do we even have this section?

Well, this is were it gets interesting.
We weren't sure on what to expect, but we knew that Burn certainly is not a brand that creates generic energy drinks.
There's only one way to find out what the drink is like and that's by putting four energy drink addicts on this 'case'.
We twisted open the top and a pleasant, apple-like smell filled the room.
Associating apple drinks with green, we expected a green fluid to come out.
Ehrm... WRONG! This stuff is blue, the exact same shade of blue as the one used on the can.
The taste wasn't really surprising, but we did get surprised; the taste of apple was joined by a touch of pear.
A really nice touch if you ask me.
Burn has gone easy on the carbonation this time and the sweetness is also kept very subtle.
The last issue is quite important; a lot of energy drinks actually have a truckload of sugar or artificial sweeteners in them and often it's overdone.
This is a drink you have to enjoy for sure; very different from the usual Burn drink, but I think it's delicious.
I would especially recommend this drink for people who want to try something new, but want to go easy on the sweetness.

I found the kick to be rather poor, but I quickly found out why.
The amount of caffeine in this drink is considerably lower than usual.
Burn day 'only' holds 20 milligrams of caffeine, as opposed to the 32 milligrams that are considered normal with us.

Price/Quality Ratio:
This is certainly a drink that you'll have to enjoy.
The taste is brilliant, we can't deny that.
€1,75 is a little expensive though; it's normal for Burn standards, but the price will still stop a lot of people of buying Burn Day.
We recommend it to enjoy it every once in a while if you get your hands on it and do not expect to get a big buzz or anything, just enjoy....