

Price: C$2.00 (current Exchange rate: €1,49)
Contains: 16 fl.Oz (473mL)

It's time to review yet another Canadian drink.
This time we're looking at an energy drink by Mountain Dew: AMP.

AMP comes in a typical American sized 473 mL (16 oz.) can.
It is neatly designed with stripes in various shades of green running down the can.
On the front there's the AMP logo, which can be described as a silver tribal flame
With a bit of imagination you can see that the flame vaguely resembles the letter 'A', but I'm not sure if that was the purpose.
Underneath the logo there's the 'AMP ENERGY' text.
Usually, the American cans have their key ingredients listed around the top of the can.
With this AMP can the top only says 'POWER', but after a little search you'll find it on the bottom, at the right-hand side of the logo (see photo).
In my opinion, this can is very appealing to say the least.
I especially like the green striped pattern since it worked out very well.

Well, since I couldn't find a slogan on the can again (which is getting a little annoying now), I decided to 'cheat' for a little and looked it up on the internet.
It didn't take me very long, as it is frequently proclaimed on AMP's official website.
AMP's slogan is 'AMP UP!' and they use it on all their products.
I think it's a clever way of incorperating the name in the slogan and I like it.

The CR team was honored to be part of the very small group of people to ever taste AMP in the Netherlands.
So once again, three people volunteered to unite their taste buds with mine in the 'quest' of reviewing this Canadian beauty.
I cracked open the can and poured it into several glasses.
The color of this drink was quite a shocking surprise.
It is colored yellow, but in such a bright manner that 'fluorescent' would not be an unfitting description.
The smell was somewhat difficult to identify; we knew it was familiar but none of us could really pinpoint it.
After a moment of intense attempts at remembring one of us finally cried 'I know, it smells like Groene Ranja!'.
Well, people from around the world are probably clueless after reading that last line, so allow me to explain.
Groene Ranja basically is a green tainted lemonade that tastes like Reine Claude/greengage prunes.
So to keep it short: this drink smells like prunes.
The taste wasn't that much of a surprise, as it pretty much was what the smell made us think.
It is a little tea-ish at first, but very swiftly the greengage kicks in.
There is a presence of carbonation that can be noticed, which isn't really needed in my opinion, but it doesn't kill the drink in any way, so I guess that's okay.
Another thing that should be mentioned is that AMP is rather sweet; it doesn't really kill the taste, but people without a sweet tooth might want to keep their distance from this drink.
My overall opinion: for the 'regular' variant of a brand this really is something special.
It has a very distinctive sweet taste you should give a try.

For an energy drink from across; the kick is just decent at best.
We've tried several drinks from from this particular area and they usually give a considerable buzz.
After those, AMP is a bit of a disappointment really.
We did feel something, but it certainly wasn't worthy of being called a 'Big Bad American Buzz'.

Price/Quality Ratio:
2 Canadian Dollars seems to be a standard price for energy drinks in Canada.
It is pretty much the equivalent of €1,49, which is what we usually pay for top quality drinks.
None of Canadian drinks have disappointed us up until now, so I hope they can keep it up.
The C$2 are certainly worth it when you buy AMP, thrust me.
Even though it doesn't provide you the kick that some drinks of the same value can give you, the special taste makes sure that it's worth a try.
So when you ever encounter this can and have a sweet tooth: AMP UP!