Price: €0.79 (0.25L) or €0.89 (0.33)
Contains: 0.25L or 0.33L
I was just cruising around a small mall, when I spotted a promotional poster that showed this can and the words 'Be Wild.'
As a collector, I couldn't resist to take this drink home with me.
I wanted to take the poster too, but the salesman was not that friendly.
This energy drink comes in two different sizes: 0.25L and 0.33L
The graphics on both cans are exactly the same, so I'll only have to review them once.
It's a pretty easy design, the can has this halved design that reminds me a bit of the Bullit cans, only this time the colors are black and red.
There's a logo in the center, it's a dark red shield shaped logo with a silver outline.
In the middle of that logo is pretty much the weirdest dragon I've ever seen.
It's head is a dragons head allright, but the thing has a lions' body, horses legs, a devils tail and two wings that look more like fishtails if you ask me.
Is it really a dragon, or some kind of mythical beast?
I don't know and I don't really care either.
Above the logo there's the WILD DRAGON writing, and underneath the logo, ENERGY DRINK is written.
All the text is colored silver on this can.
At last: the can has a custom lid which is colored red.
Why am I telling this? Well, it's pretty much because it's no thing that's very common in the Netherlands, even the Monster cans have standard silver lids...
The can is not that bad, but I think they could have put a little more effort in designing it.
As I mentioned in the little intro; the promotional poster said Be Wild.
The slogan on the can, however is enjoy the power.
I like the promotional posters' slogan better, since it fits in better with the Wild Dragon theme and all.
It appears that Be Wild is their official slogan after all, because it's also used on their site.
So why is there that lame and uninventive enjoy the power on my can?
The drink looks and smells pretty standard, which basically means that they're both equal to the Red Bull looks and smell.
That being said, I expected nothing big from this drink.
I took a sip and knew immediately that my expectations were right.
The major taste is pretty standard, and only the aftertaste was something I didn't expect.
The aftertaste is pretty weird and stays in your mouth for a long time.
That's all I have and want to say about this drink; once again, nothing unique.
The kick of this drink was nothing special as well.
It takes a long time to kick in and it's nothing big.
It's a really light kick.
After all: I'll say that this is not a drink that you'll buy exclusively for the kick.
Price/Quality Ratio:
Just as the drink, the P/Q ratio is just avarage.
It's not the cheapest drink, but it's not the most expensive one either.
So the P/Q ratio is decent, just decent, which is also a word that fully sums up this entire drink.