Contains: 0.25L
I ordered this drink from a German website. They only had half of the drinks we wanted, but at least we got to try some new drinks.
This drink claims to get you in the mood for a great fuck, which is something new for an energy drink.
The drink comes in a odd shaped 250ML can.
It is wider and smaller than a 'normal' can ( for an example of a 'normal 250mL can click here), yet it isn't as wide as a Coca Cola or Power Horse can.
It's something in between.
The theme name of the can is used nice on this can.
No epic designs, but a pretty easy one. Though it is a nice one.
Red and black squares, with the magic number 69 used several times.
There is not an obvious slogan on this drink.
Too bad, because to the theme of this drink it should be pretty easy to come up with something that fits.
When saw this drink for the first time I knew it was special.
The size and name where the first hints.
When I opened the drink a nice strawberry smell came out.
This isn't that special at the moment, because we've already had several strawberry-energydrink (like the Burn and Kremlin), but we don't drink them that often, so it still is special in some way.
The first sip of this drink was a good one.
A cherry-strawberry taste. The cherry was noticeable the best, the strawberry was weaker.
I never had a cherry energydrink, so this one is special.
A new flavor is always great.
The aftertaste was great as well.
It wasn't as chemical as Red Bull, it wasn't as bad as some Red Bull clones.
And it stayed pretty long.
The cherry flavored aftertaste was great, it faded away slowly.
The kick was better than with most energydrinks.
It gave a actual kick, which suprised me.
It wasn't as bad-ass as the 500mL cans from the USA, but for a 250ML can it was great.
I think, that when I had the option to drink two of those, it would match the Monster kick.
Price/Quality Ratio:
The P/Q is great.
Just under €1 for a good tasting 250ML energydrink, how many times will you have the chance to find that?
Like... never in my opinion.
If I had the option to buying more somewhere around here I would do it, but, as mentioned in the introduction, I ordered this drink from a website, so probably, there won't be a second time for this drink.