Price: €0,59 - €0,89 - €0,99
Contains: 250ML - 500ML can - 500ML bottle
Available in 3 sizes: a 250ML can, a 500ML can (see photo) and a 500ML bottle.
Contains: 250ML - 500ML can - 500ML bottle
The Packaging and Slogan parts of this review will be based on all three. The Taste, Kick and P/Q will be basic on the 250ML can, because I assume there won't be much difference between this on and the other sizes because Carrefour in 'just' a store brand.
250ML can & 500ML can:
Both are basicly blue with a lot of graphics on it. The Carrefour logo and name or on the top of the cans, under that is the energy in red text. A little lower is a nice painting with the text 'Guarana force'. At the lowest point there is the volume in CL (50CL = 500ML).
500ML bottle:
The bottle is mainly pink. With a pink label with all the blue replaved by pink. Further there isn't much more different.
The slogan is Guarana Force. Which makes it obvious there is guarana in it, more as in a regular energydrink. I thought the same, in hope it gave a Guarana-kick. But it didn't, there isn't any more guarana in this drink as in any other store brand energydrink. So the slogan gives you false hopes. Good for sales, but it will give you a bad name.
As it is a store brand drink, it's obvious it has a Red Bull taste. And it had. The only thing that differs is the aftertaste, and it differs in a negative way. Nothing special, so there isn't much more to say.
Again, as a store brand, there isn't a kick as well.
Again, as a store brand, there isn't a kick as well.
Price/Quality Ratio:
I might have sound all negative about this drink, the P/Q isn't at all. It's a 'poor men's Red Bull' for just €0,60 or so, instead of the €1+ for a real one (both 250ML cans). It's a good everyday drink.