Contains: 0,33L
Ok, normally when we're introducing a new brand on our site, we start off with the regular version.
Well, this time is different.
Why? Well actually I'm having a Rodeo Cranberry right now (discount!), and it's way easier to review while drinking than to base one on memories...
As usual we start of with the can (obviously, because that's the first you'll get to see, next to the price)...
The Rodeo cans are pretty unique in my opinion.
At first: the cans are a different size than what seems to be the standard.
Most energy drinks come in 0,25L or 0,5L cans, while Rodeo comes in 0,33L cans.
At second: the cans are non-reflective black and seem to be a little heavier than what I'm used to, suggesting that the cans are more solid than normal.
Too bad: because the cans are non-reflective dust and scratches are easier to be noticed...
The graphics are pretty much the same on every Rodeo can.
They're kept simple, but they're also pretty cool and effective in my opinion.
They always exist of the Rodeo logo; which is basically just Rodeo Energy Drink written in a western font.
The eyecatcher is the futuristic lasso on every can, the colour of that lasso depends on which flavor you're taking.
I'm having the Cranberry, so the lasso is red on my can.
None, too bad...
The drink is pretty amazing, I must say.
When I poured it into a glass I saw that the drink was red, which was pretty much what I expected.
The drink tastes just like a cranberry softdrink (WOW, surprising!), it's lightly carbonated and pretty sweet.
It's not the best energy and fruit combination I've ever had, but it's decent enough to be refreshing.
I didn't really get a buzz from this drink, when I checked the ingredients I couldn't find caffeine or taurine, it just said that it contained guarana, which means I got a subtle boost.
It certainly isn't noteworthy , though; it didn't kick in for about fifteen minutes and it only lasted for ten minutes.
So I will not recommend it if you really need a kick for something that requires endurance or energy.
Price/Quality Ratio:
The price for this drink is quite reasonable; normally, they cost around 70 cents, which doesn't make it the most expensive drink, but not the cheapest either.
I would say that 70 cents is pretty suitable.