Contains: 0.25L
The Dutch most popular energy drink, it's cheap and available in almost every supermarket.
This 0.25L can has a very easy design.
The body is mainly colored silver, with a red band on the top and one on the bottom.
'ENERGY' is written vertically in black, and the 'R' and the 'G' are seperated by some kind of logo.
I suppose that this must be the Slammers logo; it consists of five red lightingbolts, placed in some kind of circle and rotating clockwise.
The same logo is repeated on the backside; near the ingredients there's a black square with the lightningbolt-logo in silver.
At last, there's still some text on the can.
Underneath (or next to, since it is place vertically) the word 'ENERGY' there's the text: 'SLAMMERS REFRESHING POWERDRINK WITH THE UNIQUE ENERGY TASTE.'
I assume that the slogan is 'WITH THE UNIQUE ENERGY TASTE', and i only assume that because no other thing that looks like a slogan is to be found on this can.
That slogan is not very inventive, and certainly not true.
This drink has anything but an unique energy taste (check the next subject).
The drink is caramel colored and smells like every other non-unique energy drink.
I was expecting something like a Red Bull and that was right to a certain extent, but this drink had something different to it.
It's very sweet, in fact I could swear that I taste something sirup-ish in this drink.
I must say that it's not a bad drink, and I can understand why so many people buy them in big amounts at a time, but 'unique' is too big of a word.
The can is exaggerating!
The drink contains 32 milligrams of caffeine per 100 mL, which is quite standard for an energy drink.
The kick, however, really isn't something to write home about; decent, but far from the best ever.
Price/Quality Ratio:
The drink itself is decent.
But for 30 cents, it's great!
I've never seen anyone buying just one at a time, and why would you, if you can buy such a decent drink for such a low price?