Here it is: the Khaos our crew has been waiting for for so long!
A friend of mine got really lucky on this one; he was at the right time at the right place.
They were giving away this drink for free and when that friend told me he managed to get some cans, I felt extatic!
A typical Monster 500mL can; mostly black and very simple, with the Monster Claw logo being the true eyecatcher.
In this case, the logo is a very nice shade of orange, a colour that makes its return a couple of times on this can.
Furthermore; this can shares a lot of similiarities with the Monster Ripper can.
Monster uses the design with the grey metallic areas on all of their Energy+Juice drinks.
They also did the scope thing again; this time the little scope is through the letter 'O' which, in my opinion looks better than when they did it through the 'R' as with the Ripper can.
Overall this is neatly designed can by Monster; it's not very special for Monster standards, but it will still stand out in a supermarket or in your collection.
The same as with Monster Ripper: 'The Juice is loose'.
It still fits nicely; Monster always does this thing with their 'dangerous' image and they managed to get the juice in their slogan in a nice and original way.
Immediately when I opened this can; a nice aroma entered my nostrils.
The smell made me think of all kinds of orange coloured fruits, such as orange and mango.
I poured the drink into a glass and noticed its orangy color, with a slight touch of yellow.
Both the smell and the looks of this drink reminded me a little of Rockstar Juiced Mango.
The taste, however, is far better.
When it comes to the taste; this drink is truly divine.
This drink is so good that I would kill just to get a tray of this holy fluid.
As I presumed from the smell and looks of this drink, it tastes like orange and mango.
It kinda reminded me of the Ripper (which is logical since it has a similar concept).
I would actually prefer Khaos over Ripper, but that's most likely because Khaos is a welcome change of pace.
I've had the 48 times before (yes I counted it), whereas this drink is only something I got to try once.
Oh well, just in case you didn't notice: I like this drink and I would recommend it to anyone.
The kick actually let me down a bit.
I didn't really get the Big Bad Monster Buzz of this one, but still the kick was decent.
Probably I couldn't get the right impression of the kick.
I was not the only one who was dying to try it, so I had to share it.
I guess that the kick would have been up to Monster standards when I had tried a full can.
Price/Quality Ratio:
My friend managed to get this drink for free.
For that 'price'; it is truly divine.
But even if you put all of the standard Monster prices on it (€1.40-€1.50 in the supermarkets and €2.50 in those greedy gas stations), it would still be totally worth it.
I'm almost willing to order some Khaos drinks from the States.
I said 'almost' because I can hear my wallet protesting with the thought of having to pay up for those rediculously high shipping costs.