Contains: 250ml
This drink is probably the first female-friendly energydrink we can buy in The Netherlands. It's a temporary offer in the local supermarket. The She-company donates €0,05 to Pink Ribbon with every can.
The can is pink. Which fits perfectly within the 'female-friendly' and Pink Ribbon theme. In the top white bar there is the text 'No calories - No sugar', again the hint: it's female friendly. On the lowest white bar are some ingredients. Then there is the big 'She' text, with a devils tail on the H. The text is in a Superman like logo and the background has a scratched paint look. It's a great can for such a charity and purely designed for women. Why? Well it's not a can a guy like me wants to be seen with too often...
I can't discover a true slogan for this drink.
I did notice that, instead of the usual 'Energy Drink' writing, there's a 'Super Energy Drink' text below the She logo.
I will not count that as a slogan, though.
The drink has a very prominent peach taste.
In fact; if I didn't know any better, I would've thought that this drink is just a peach softdrink.
It's lightly carbonated, and the overall taste is pretty good, actually.
The usual: not very noticeable, but you know it's there.
That's all.
That's all.
Price/Quality Ratio:
99 Cents is a decent price for this drink, especially when you know you're contributing to such a great charity, you won't miind buying this drink every once in a while.