
Atom Fener

Price: €1,-
Contains: 0,25L

I drank half of this one from a glass, and the other half from the can.
When you drink it right from the can, it tastes like a Red Bull. Just a little less carbonated, and a little sweeter.
When you drink it from the glass, you'll see the classic caramel colour. The drink tastes sweeter than it does from the can. I don't know why. Maybe because you'll drink it in a bigger amount at ounce or something.
The can looks good. The yellow contrasts good with the purple. The F-logo in the centre of the can is easy, but nice. At first I only noticed the yellow F, and tought the purple was just there to fill up the circle. But when I held the can upside down I noticed the purple F as well.
It's a good drink, not perfect, because it's a Red Bull clone, but it's good enough for its price.