Contains: 0.25L
It's not an energy drink, but I'll display the can in my collection anyway, because it's so awesome.
As mentioned in the intro, the can for this drink is very ingenious.
They meant to pull off a can that represents a pack of cigarettes, and it worked out perfectly.
I also really like the parodied warning sign that contains the words 'No warning needed'.
The shadow details, which consist of lines running diagonally over this can, really add something.
Yeah, the can is brilliant allright.
The slogan for Liquid Smoking is 'The Alternative'.
Well, I won't say that it's something original, but it works and fits well with the theme.
When I cracked open the can, a strong cinnamon smell entered my nostrils, along with some lesser noticeable smells that I couldn't really identify.
The drink is toneless with some bubbles, making it look a bit like 7Up.
I took my first sip and wasn't very pleased with what I tasted.
The taste is very 'special', but not in a very positive way.
As I expected from the smell, there's a cinnamon smell which is really predominate.
I also taste some small hints of lemon and anise.
This combination might sound brilliant, but in practice it's far from that.
The taste does not work out well, and the carbonation kind of kills it even more.
Price/Quality Ratio:
The drink is a little bit expensive, especially when you consider that the taste is malicous.
But I'm sure that can collectors are willing to pay €1.29 for the brilliant can, they barely care about the taste anyway.