
Transatlantic Blow Stimulation Drink

Price: €1.29
Contains: 0.25L

I was pretty surprised when I spotted this drink at the local Jumbo supermarket; I was actually just getting some Rockstar...
There wasn't a price tag underneath it yet; that's just how new it was.
Immediately I took 3 with me (one for myself, one for my brother and one for a fellow collector and friend), and the cashier told me that it was going to cost me €3.87.
I was like dude, €1.29 A PIECE?! WTF?! This drink must be mindblowing then, right?


This drink comes in an attractive, white 0.25L slimcan.
The eyecatchers are the crimson Transatlantic Blow-writing and the winged(?) lips logo just above that.
The can is finished with a subtle touch of light-blue dots that are grouped to take on shapes that appear like an overlap between flames and hair.
There is a nice finishing touch on this can: the tab is crimson, really complementing the lips and logo on the can itself.
Custom-colored tabs always seem to be a privilege and a sign of luxury to me.
Why? Well; it's because the bigger brands always seem to be having their own custom lids, instead of the rather uniform silver ones.
The overall appearance of this can seems a bit feminine, with the lips and soft colors and all.
But heck, I won't bother walking on the streets with this can in my hand, as it isn't as obviously meant for women as the She drink did...

There is no such thing as a slogan on the can itself, but there actually is one on the drinks site.
The slogan is 'Stimulate Yourself'.
Well; I have to say that's a bit of a dissapointment.
On the one hand: it is suitable for a stimulation drink, but on the other hand: it isn't really that creative.
They could have tried adapting the lips, the name and maybe even the fact that it has coca extract in it.

As usual; I poured this drink into glass.
I found out that the drink had a peculiar 'carbonated water'-like look.
By myself, I couldnt really identify the taste of this drink, so I called in the help of a few friends.
They told me that the taste is very similiar to the Bitter Lemon soft drink, except maybe that they replaced the majority of bitterness with sweetness.
And what does Bitter Lemon taste like? Well... It's in the name.
It has a very bitter lemon-like taste.
I can't say that I really like it, a little too bitter for my taste, but I seem to be the only one that doesn't like it.
It's a matter of taste I guess...

This drink does have the average amount of caffeine in it (32mg/100mL), but there is an abcense of taurine that can be noticed.
Poor kick, but at least we can say that this drink did have one, and that's not to be said of every single energy drink we've had.

Price/Quality Ratio:
Well, this is where it gets interesting...
In my opinion: this drink just isn't worth the €1.29 I paid for it.
I disliked the taste, and €1.29 is relatively expensive for a 0.25L can.
However; my friends liked it, and they don't really mind the price.