Contains: 0,02L
Alc./Vol.: 14,9%
Vluggertje, a nice name with a double meaning (in dutch) for this little shot (translate Vluggertje to English and you'll get something like Quickie).
It's a mix of energy drink and vodka, and it contains 14.9% alcohol.
They're usually packed in six packs, which usually cost about €4.50
The drink has a nice shade of blue, which really gives the alcoholic mix impression.
The're are two stickers on this small bottles, the front sticker displays a roadrunner (I guess because of all the things speed-related to this drink; it's gone in one single sip, and it contains energy drink), and the sticker on the back shows the ingredients.
The drink itself is pretty good, you can barely taste the energy drink because of the alchol, but I don't mind.
You really feel it burn in your throat while you drink the entire bottle in one sip.
I really like these drinks, the only downside is the price, but I'll be definately get them when they're in discount again!
They're usually packed in six packs, which usually cost about €4.50
The drink has a nice shade of blue, which really gives the alcoholic mix impression.
The're are two stickers on this small bottles, the front sticker displays a roadrunner (I guess because of all the things speed-related to this drink; it's gone in one single sip, and it contains energy drink), and the sticker on the back shows the ingredients.
The drink itself is pretty good, you can barely taste the energy drink because of the alchol, but I don't mind.
You really feel it burn in your throat while you drink the entire bottle in one sip.
I really like these drinks, the only downside is the price, but I'll be definately get them when they're in discount again!