
Schwarze Dose 28

Price: €1.75
Contains: 0.25L

A friend of mine found this one at a small store in a town nearby.
Though, it's not prominenly mentioned on the front, the back of the can claims that this is a premium energy drink.

Packaging: The drink comes in a very simple, yet very classy 0.25L can.
It's non-reflective black, and the eyecatcher is the Schwarze Dose 28 golden bird logo.
I admire the company for keeping the can so simple, and I like the way the non-reflective black makes it look classy.

Slogan: 'A day has 28 hours', I don't really get this slogan, and I think their only goal was to fit in the number 28, for it's in the name of the drink.

Taste: When I cracked open this can, a very strong and druity smell entered my nostrils.
From the very start I knew that this drink was going to be something different, and the smell confirmed my first impression.
I poured this drink into a glass and noticed that it had a dark shade of pink.
The taste itself is pretty good.
It's certainly not a Red Bull clone and it has this curious fruity flavor over it that I never tasted before.
I suppose that this must be açaí, because that's what's on the can.
It's a little bit too sour for my taste, but it's certainly not bad at all.
And at least Schwarze Dose is something different, and not your avarage 'main stream' energy drink.

I noticed a slight raise of awereness after having this drink.
It's not that big bad buzz like I always get from the Monster drinks, but it's better than the kick most energy drinks provide, which is basically nothing.

Price/Quality Ratio:
I find this drink rather expensive.
I know it's not bad at all, but €1.75 is just rediculous in my opinion.
That price is even higher than the price we pay for the American premium energy drinks (Monster and Rockstar).
I'm sorry, but I can't be very positive about the P/Q Ratio.