Bullit sugarfree. My expectations were pretty confusing about this one. Someone told me Bullit is a drink from the same factory as Red Bull. Only that it's a Red Bull that didn't match the Red Bull standard, and was sold under the name Bullit. This made me to the conclusion it could taste as a good Red Bull clone. On the other hand it's a sugarfree. Motivation gone...
The can itself reminds me to Red Bull, Planer Energy and X-ray. All the same idea of graphics and colours. Silver with black/blue/grey. 50/50. The Bullit logo itself is something that makes me wonder why they choose that logo. Was it because it's a brain-energy or is it because youre multitasking skills will increase?
After tasting it, I know I had to deal with a Red Bull clone and that the story about a 'bad' Red Bull might be true. I don't know, but it's a Red Bull clone for sure. It's a sugarfree also, you can taste that. It isn't as sweet as the regular.