I went with my parents. They wanted to go to a camping & holiday shop (Obelink), but I wanted to go shopping for new drinks. So they let me go for a shopping tour in Winterswijk, and they went to Obelink.
I had a small map, made on my computer, with screenshots from Google Maps. But I got lost very fast. After a search I found a gas station, and as we all now they have energydrinks in gas stations. So I went in, and gues what, they had RedBull, Slammers and Spam Energydrink. The only one I didn't have for my collection was Spam, so I bought 3 of them, a german special edition, a dutch special edition and a dutch big edition. After paying for my drinks, and having a nice and long chat with a hot girl I moved on to my next destionations: the Jumbo and Lidl supermarkets. Nothing special there, but I bought a bottle of Coke and moved on.
The third supermarket I visited had a special one, the Bad Dog energydrink from austria. I bought two of them. One for me, and one for a fellow collection and writer on this blog, Energyfreak.
I wanted to visit 2 more supermarkets on the other side of the village, but my feet began to hurt. So I walked back. On my way back, I found a drugstore where they sold the Liquid Strenght Power Up and Dextro Energy drink. I bought 2 Liquid Strenghts (again one for Energyfreak) and one bottle of Dextro Energy. On my last part of the walking back I found a can of Download energy on the side of the road. No damage. So I picked it up, and took it with my.
Back at Obelink I went shopping with my parents and found a Kruitvat energydrink bottle, and a Rodeo Cranberry. The last one I had already, but this can whas different, so I bought it.
On the way back, we stopped at a gas station where I bought my last drink of the day. A Go Fast! Ice Tea.
Back at the camping side, where we stayed all evening, I remembered I had a can of Planet Energy in the fridge. I did put it with the other cans, enjoyed my evening and went home when it was 11 in the evening.
The total looth of the day:
(the cans for Energyfreak are not on the picture)

What you can see:
0,33L Rodeo Cranberry
0,25L Liquid Strenght Power Up
0,25L Go Fast! Ice Tea
0,25L Planet Energy
0,5L Kruitvat energy
0,25L Spam energydrink, special edition Germany
0,25L Spam energydrink, spacial edition The Netherlands
0,25L Download Energy
0,25L Bad Dog
0,5L Spam energy, The Big Edtion
0,5L Dextro Energy drink