Contains: 12 fl.Oz (340mL)
This one kinda came out of nowhere,
This time, my friend's mum went to Canada and when he asked her to bring a new Monster drink, we really weren't expecting this one.
We've heard a lot of the Monster Nitrous drinks and have been dying to try them ever since, especially the Kiler-B.
So when she said 'I couldn't find the Monsters you asked for, but will this do? They were on sale, you know', we were like 'HELL YEAH! This is Even better!'.
This can proves that Monster only hires the most skilled of craftsmen to design their cans, since this can really looks amazing.
The drink comes in a quite unusally sized
But the uniqueness doesn't end there; the design really managed to blow us away.
The eyecatcher is the orangish-yellow honeycomb pattern on the background; which really suits the Killer-B theme.
Within this pattern we can see the KILLER-B text and a black Monster Claw logo, which is slightly tilted and has a 3D effect.
The honeycomb pattern suddenly fades to black when we come to the bottom of the can, clearing an area to display some legible text.
Here we can read the MONSTER ENERGY we're all familiar with, but this time it's accompanied with the NITROUS text in an truly awesome font.
As I alreasy mentioned; the designers did a great job on this can.
They managed to put all of these elements together without making the can look over the top and that is a real accomplishment in my eyes.
No slogan can be found on this can, but we did manage to find one on the internet.
'Unleash the Nitrous Beast!' would be the slogan for all of the Nitrous drinks and we love how they added the Nitrous thing to the well known 'Unleash the Beast!' slogan.
Of course, this was the part we all had been waiting for, so we removed the sticker, twisted open the top and poured the drink into some glasses and test tubes.
The very first thing we noticed was the color.
This drink is colored fluorescent yellow and I would't have been surprised if it glowed in the dark.
Also: a very strange thing was going on with the carbonation.
We know that this drink was carbonated with Nitrous Oxide, so that might have been the thing.
Anyway: even though we poured it into several glasses, only the first portion had a small layer of foam.
The taste quite surprised us, actually.
We were expecting a very strong taste of honey, but instead, we could only vaguely taste a hint of honey in the aftertaste.
The main taste: citrus.
When looking on the internet we disovered that our drink used a new formula; a formula that switched the main taste from honey to citrus.
I have to say that's quite a bold move, considering that this drink is themed around bees and such.
Anyway: it tastes awesome and unique, but what can I say?
If it's made by Monster, you're in for a treat and that also applies for this bad boy.
I highly suggest that you give this drink a try if you can get your hands on it, because with Monster Nitrous Killer-B you're in for a sensation!
Even though we shared this drink, we all felt a serious buzz going on after a very short amount of time.
It was like the 'Big Bad Monster Buzz' times two: an energy drink that can keep you going for quite a few hours.
Great job on the kick, Monster!
Price/Quality Ratio:
The drink is quite pricey, especially if you consider that the Killer-B adds C$1 to the price of the standard 16 fl. Oz Monster, while it contains less fluid.
Monster Nitrous Killer-B has it all, though; great can. great taste and great kick.
Needless to say that Monster has once again made a drink that lives up to the price.